Just Enter a full phone number and the text of your message. The message will be delivered shortly. Remember, the recipient won't be able to reply, but they'll still be happy to hear from you. Make sure that you include the full phone number and your name so that they know who the message is from.
You can send up to 5 SMS messages a day from Funtonia.com to mobile phones free of charge. We can't guarantee delivery, but if you've sent messages from the site before, it should still work.
We hope you enjoy the convenience of our new Free SMS Form and are open to any suggestions that you may have.
Visit Ofical Website
been following this post while we’ve been developing our offering. we’ve just beta launched a new online portal for sending sms (http://www.me2mobile.com). its got the usual credit based websms but also has a clever way to easily create premium sms services such as sms voting, chat, wap push, etc.
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Would you be willing to pay a reasonable price to send SMS from the web if you where getting a great user experience and additional service like ringtones video download? The idea is to offer SMS for just 1.60 cent without any hidden costs or marketing offers.
Other Free SMS Service To Australia
use http://www.smspup.com – which is good but you need points by clickking on their emailss which is a bit of a pain because yu dont get them that often but you get points just for starting up
use http://www.blueskyfrog.com – which is alright but when you use it for a while they start to only give you 2 free sms per day
http://www.freesmsmate.com.au – which is good you get 5 free per day and also like 25 points for staryting up but to send the sms you hav to click on one of their sponsors and sometimess there is none but usually there is also you can send free txts to the uk from this site and you can delay when it is sent
use http://www.yakedi.com – its be the best one (easiest) you used to get unlimited txts but they have changed it now to 10 per day. you can now txt to australia and new zealand
hopee this is useful =]
Tag: SMS Australia Free, Send Free SMS australia, australia free, free sms
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